Josh's Evo 8 S-AYC Conversion


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
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1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
Hi guys,

This has been the BIGGEST drama i've ever had with the car. Just wanted to tell the story about it :)

So basically i had a bit of a noise coming from the back of the car, got it checked out and it turned out to be the diff. Stopped driving the car while i started to look for a new one.
My philosophy is if something breaks, go for a better one... So i did. Sourced an Evo 8 S-AYC diff with help from VR4WGN (Quinton, Q Customs) which was apparently from a late model evo 8, with 25k kms (according to the place he collected it from). Costed about $1500 including postage (owch)

After the wait of receiving the diff (it was around new years so took forever for the places to open back up and end up sending it, including when mainfreight missed the first plane :rolleyes:) it cost about an extra $200 in customs, handling and quarantine.

Got the diff to the workshop, who insisted on pulling it apart to be sure it was all in working order. Me thinking it was from a 25k kms evo i was pretty sure it would be fine, but im so glad they pulled it apart as it turns out it had too much preload on the pinion or something, which he showed me there was alot of movement in the piece..

After pulling it apart further, he identified it needed a new bearing, new seal and new flange. Being a non-servicable diff, there arent simple part numbers for these parts, so it took about an extra week to source from ralliart, which ended up being the WRONG PART! I Freaked out, thinking perhaps it wasnt an evo 8 diff at all, and they had done a dodgy (not Quinton, but the people he bought it off - Carson Racing)

Called Quinton, who was REALLY pissed off about the matter - as he was under the impression it was practically a new diff. I got all the details for Carson Racing off him so that i could contact them, and he was in contact as well. I was after a VIN number so that Ralliart could check that they were sending the right parts.

I received the VIN number from Carson Racing, along with information that it was actually from a 2003 Evo 8, with 85k kms on the clock... I wasnt too happy.... Main priority was to get the car on the road though, so didnt want to waste time sending it back.

The workshop got back in contact with Ralliart and got the right parts on their way.

Almost 3 weeks later after receiving the diff, it was finally in working condition. Had the car towed to the workshop on Saturday (i kinda blew the diff completely when i got fed up with waiting a few weeks back hahah)

The car is due to be finished tomorrow - ill give a full write up of how it performs compared with stock. Also planning on meeting up with Christian and maybe some of the other south side guys that might be around when im visiting the new girlfriend on the south side (ANOTHER south side girl:banghead:) to give some better comparisons AYC vs S-AYC

Ill keep this updated! :D Just thought id let it spill.. A few of you already know i was doing this, and the others might have guessed when i blew the first diff...

Costs so far:

Evo 8 S-AYC Diff - $1500
Repairs to S-AYC Diff - not sure yet, 8hrs labour + parts.. Est $1000ish? Going to be trying to recover as much of this from Carson when i have the amount.
Fitment - In progress. Est about another $1000 including fluids and AYC flush etc.

Im expecting this conversion to have costed about $3500 by the end of it...

Note to anyone going to be trying this: Get the diff pulled apart and tested before you buy it - and try buy one locally that you can physically see including the car that its off if possible... I payed way too much for this diff - i recently sourced another evo 9 diff with 3k kms for 1750 :mad: wish i saw it sooner :D

Also wanted to say thanks to Quinton, he has been a GREAT help through all of this - always happy to give updates on progress etc with all of the drama. None of this was his fault - dont want anyone pointing fingers his way :D he has been nothing but helpful with the issues i've come up with and has already offered to help me take matters further with regards the recovery of repair money.

With luck, will be on the road TOMORROW! Will let you know.

EDIT -- From post #19:

ok so a tank of fuel and over 300km later, the car is fantastic!! wow.. im suprised actually... it goes around corners fast without effort, and its near impossible to flick out (previously it was somewhat tailhappy if i floored 1st around a corner. You can feel it ALMOST slip, but instantly correct itself and slingshot you in the direction you're pointing... GREAT feeling...

I did however notice a bit of a noise still coming from the rear which i suspected is what stuffed my first diff - only when boost is at its max.. Or i might be completely wrong about where its coming from, in which case what does pinging sound like? its like a high pitched fast paced pinging noise that goes with the revs (LOL.. am i missing something obvious?) but i swear it sounds like its coming from the rear.. unless thats just the pinging sound going out the exhaust?

But yes, the diff... wow.. fantastic improvement... i literally FLOOR IT through corners, even sharp ones, and i can go 60 flying around mini roundabouts and dont slide... did i mention my tires are almost bald?


Leaving Skid Marks
Tweed Coast, NSW
First Name
Luke M
1997 Legnum VR4
Looking forward to seeing the difference between the two systems. I have heard you can initiate controllable slides with SAYC though and apparently it's defintely improved over AYC. Seen Brad talking about it a few times so he might know the differences.
Out of curiousity, will the SAYC system use your current lights on the dash?


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
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1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
from what i've read its only a mechanical change in the diff itself - meaning the sensors and standard ecu etc should all still do exactly the same thing.


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
Yep, it will just work. It transfers twice as much torque, so 1 bar now will equal 2 bars on the old diff.

I actually went and saw that EVO 8, it was heavily shunted from the rear, in fact the first thing I said when I saw it was 'are you sure the diff is ok in that car'. The boot lid was pushed forward to about where the rear axle was. Not sure if that is relevant or not!

Good to hear Ralliart helped you, was in Bill at Ralliart here in NZ?


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
Not sure - Ralliart in sydney im pretty sure - the workshop handled it all...
Yeah the red evo 8 apparently i got the diff from the one that rolled down a hill or something. Apparently its all good now - the guy at the workshop literally pulled it to bits.


Seeing as you've had a mechanic (and by the sounds of it someone versed in the Mitsubishi range) looking at the rear diff in the Galant, did the subject of swapping out the mechanical centre diff for a Electronic come up?


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
no however if it breaks, or leads to breaking, i will look into it :) Ill also bring up the question when i pick it up :p


ouch, i could break at least another, 5 or 6 normal diffs for that price!

but good on you for getting it done, any particular reason you didnt DIY it?

ive delt with carson, i bought my evo5 seats and modded rails a fews back, seamed to be a nice enough guy,


Good on you for going ahead and being the first on here to do the swap/upgrade.
Now we will all be wishing we had your diff :)

Seeing as you've had a mechanic (and by the sounds of it someone versed in the Mitsubishi range) looking at the rear diff in the Galant, did the subject of swapping out the mechanical centre diff for a Electronic come up?
Yea if a part numbers list/kit was made up that would be really cool for the diff conversion. BUt is it possable is the question.


all you need to fit is to....

remove the evo prop shaft flange, and fit the VR4 one,

2 (1 each side) 10mmm spacers between the rear diff mounts and subframe

then its a matter of bolting it up in place, and filling and bleeding fluids.

not as simple as it sounds, but still a fairly straight forward swap

for more info and pics read here.....



1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
yes gly i know - read through that well before i decided to do it :) I also gave a copy of those instructions to the workshop, and if they ahve done it any other way i will be questioning the labour hours... or at least expecting a good reason as to why it would have taken any longer. Will let you know...

Oh and as to why i didnt DIY - I wasnt allowed!! i still live at home and dad said the diff is WAY too messy for his garage/driveway :)

oh and when i mentioned the changing of the flange to the vr4 one he said something about that messing with the preload? Not sure but will get to the bottom of it tomorrow hopefully.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Was a Ralliart Colt, was a 1997 Toyota Aristo was a 1996 Legnum..Now an XR5 Turbo
WOW.....I hope K Rudds money is going to stimulate the economy with your Galant!! ha ha
Hope it all ends up well!!


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
hmm when IS krudds package.. im pretty needy :D


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Was a Ralliart Colt, was a 1997 Toyota Aristo was a 1996 Legnum..Now an XR5 Turbo
Just in time for your NEXT mod I would say!! ha ha


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
haha my next mod is already purchased and is sitting upstairs waiting for the car to be fixed.. costed $1000 :)


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Was a Ralliart Colt, was a 1997 Toyota Aristo was a 1996 Legnum..Now an XR5 Turbo
What about your air intake........


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
Well, just got word the car will be done in 30 mins, so im going to start walking to the workshop to drive it back - ill let you know how the first drive goes but due to expired fuel in it i wont be doing anything crazy :)

Next mod... you'll see. ill be doing it when i have a few spare hours... im almost more excited about the next mod than i was about this one hahaha


1 AYC Bar
Lifetime Member
First Name
1990 Mitsubishi GTO
Formerly: 1996 Galant VR-4
ok so a tank of fuel and over 300km later, the car is fantastic!! wow.. im suprised actually... it goes around corners fast without effort, and its near impossible to flick out (previously it was somewhat tailhappy if i floored 1st around a corner. You can feel it ALMOST slip, but instantly correct itself and slingshot you in the direction you're pointing... GREAT feeling...

I did however notice a bit of a noise still coming from the rear which i suspected is what stuffed my first diff - only when boost is at its max.. Or i might be completely wrong about where its coming from, in which case what does pinging sound like? its like a high pitched fast paced pinging noise that goes with the revs (LOL.. am i missing something obvious?) but i swear it sounds like its coming from the rear.. unless thats just the pinging sound going out the exhaust?

But yes, the diff... wow.. fantastic improvement... i literally FLOOR IT through corners, even sharp ones, and i can go 60 flying around mini roundabouts and dont slide... did i mention my tires are almost bald? :D
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